Are you unhappy with the service of your current bankruptcy lawyer? Do you think he/she is not giving back exactly what you are paying for? When you evaluate your lawyer’s performance so far, talked to him/her about it and still does not reach a satisfactory level, there’s no reason to hold on to him/her. You can replace your lawyer. Honest to goodness, it comes with a minor problem because it can cause delays in the legal process which also requires you to provide new documents. But with such a little sacrifice, you can have a bigger chance to go home with a favorable case result at the end of the bankruptcy process. When you are planning to fire your current lawyer, you should have a strong and valid guideline. Check out these signs of when to replace your bankruptcy lawyer: 1. Your bankruptcy lawyer fails to return your calls and emails most of the time. Effective communication is one major key to go through your case smoothly for bankruptcy does involve filling out...